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【Lecture】Physics Colloquium 2023.03.06-Dr. De-Chang Dai

【 專題演講 】 ◎演講者(Speaker):戴德昌博士(Dr. De-Chang Dai) 國立東華大學 物理系 副教授 Associate Professor, Department of Physics, National Dong Hwa University ◎講 題(Topic):Cosmological particle creation ◎時間(Time):112年03月06日(一) 16:00~18:00 Monday, 6 Mar. 2023 ◎地點( Lecture):理一講堂A108 Lecture Theater (I) 內容: This talk will cover selected aspects of quantum field theory in flat and curved spacetime, with emphasis on quantum particle creation in expanding universes and black holes.
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