【物理論壇Physics Lecture 】
◎演講者(Speaker):陳俊瑋博士 (Dr. Jiunn-Wei Chen)
國立台灣大學物理學系 特聘教授
Distinguished Professor, Department of Physics, National Taiwan University
◎講 題(Title):Where we are in understanding parton distributions from first principles
◎日期與時間(Date /Time):113年03月29日(五) 12:30~13:30
◎地點( Place):理工一館 B327會議室
◎邀請者(Host):劉承邦 老師
Understanding how hadrons are made by quarks and gluons from Quantum
Chromodynamics (QCD), the underlying theory of strong interaction, is
a holy grail in theoretical physics. I will review where we are in
this quest 10 years after the invention of the Large Momentum
Effective Theory.